The Divided Horsecloth part 7


“Ah, fair, sweet son, what is this thou sayest to me! For the love of God turn me not from thy door. I lie so close that thou canst not want my room. I require of thee neither seat in the chimney corner, nor soft bed of feathers, no, nor carpet on the floor; but only the attic, where I may bide on a little straw. Throw me not from thy house because I eat of thy bread, but feed me without grudging for the short while I have to live. In the eyes of God this charity will cover all thy sins better than if thou went in haircloth next the flesh.”

Preach me no preachings

“Fair father,” replied the bachelor, “preach me no preachings, but get you forth at once, for reason that my wife would have you gone.” “Fair son, where then shall I go, who am esteemed of nothing worth?”

“Get you gone to the town, for amongst ten thousand others very easily you may light on good fortune. Very unlucky you will be if there you cannot find a way to live. Seek your fortune bravely. Perchance some of your friends and acquaintances will receive you into their houses.”

“Son, how then shall men take me to their lodging, when you turn me from the house which I have given you? Why should the stranger welcome that guest whom the son chases from his door? Why should I be received gladly by him to whom I have given naught, when I am evilly entreated of the rich man for whose sake I go naked?”

“Father,” said he, “right or wrong, I take the blame upon my own head; but go you must because it is according to my will.”

Then the father grieved so bitterly that for a little his very heart would have broken. Weak as he was, he raised himself to his feet and went forth from the house, weeping.

“Son,” said he, “I commend thee to God; but since thou wilt that I go, for the love of Him give me at least a portion of packing cloth to shelter me against the wind. I am asking no great matter; nothing but a little cloth to wrap about me, because I am but lightly clad, and fear to die for reason of the cold.”

Then he who shrank from any grace of charity made reply: “Father, I have no cloth, so neither can I bestow, nor have it taken from me.”

Read More about Miss Tempy`s Watchers part 3