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The Cavalier of Toledo – Masuccio (Guardato) (Flourished latter half of 15th Century)
Masuccio was born at Salerno, of noble parentage. He was a resident at the Court of Naples, in the capacity of secretary, for the greater part of his life. His fifty tales, collected in a volume called the Novellino, are vivid pictures both of the peasants and lower burgher classes, and of the nobility. The Cavalier of Toledo is furnished with a contemporary background and reveals the writer’s skill in relating a romantic episode with skill and sympathy. Masuccio has the distinction of having written one of the earliest stories in the series that gave Shakespeare his Romeo and Juliet.

The present version is translated by Thomas Roscoe and reprinted from his Italian Novelists, London, no date. The story has no title in the original.
The Cavalier of Toledo
The last in my collection of those noble and virtuous actions which I have always been desirous of commemorating, is one related to me by a distinguished foreigner, which, as being strictly true, it is with equal pride and pleasure I proceed to detail. There resided some time ago in the famous city of Toledo a cavalier named Messer Piero Lopez d’Aiala, of high and ancient lineage, whose only son, a fine and spirited youth of the name of Aries, had the misfortune to engage in a. nocturnal brawl. Both parties, in one of which was the king’s particular favorite, drawing their swords, Messer Aries, engaging with the latter, passed his weapon through his body on the: spot.

The Cavalier of Toledo – On discovering the rank of his adversary, aware of the royal favor enjoyed by him, and dreading the indignation of his monarch, the youth resolved to take flight, and being furnished by his father with horses and attendants, he set out to try his fortunes in another land. And hearing of the sanguinary war then waging between the English and the French in the tern- tories of the latter, he resorted without delay to the scene of action, burning with the hope of signalizing himself during the campaign. Arriving in the French army, he had the good fortune to alight at the quarters of the Count d’Armagnac, captain-general of the king’s forces, and related to the royal house of France.

The Cavalier of Toledo part 5

I have heard the whole of your generous conduct from the lips of the Count, and if nobility of mind and the best qualities of the heart may entitle you to the lady`s love,...

The Cavalier of Toledo part 4

Having despatched his answer by the same discreet little mesenger, he awaited in much fear and anxiety the result of the strange circumstances in which he was so deeply engaged. The page instantly ran...

The Cavalier of Toledo part 3

Unable longer to contend with the variety of emotions which shook her bosom and hourly preyed upon her life, she resolved, with the impulse of despair, to upbraid him for his cruelty, to unfold...

The Cavalier of Toledo part 2

The campaign being concluded with great honor and advantage on the part of the French, with the aid of the young and enterprising Castilian, both armies were compelled by the severity of the season...

The Cavalier of Toledo part 1

Masuccio (Guardato) (Flourished latter half of 15th Century)Masuccio was born at Salerno, of noble parentage. He was a resident at the Court of Naples, in the capacity of secretary, for the greater part of...

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