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Preserving Troy’s Heritage


“Dus ve Gercek Troia”

Exhibition Overview

“Dus ve Gergek Troia” unfolds across 486 pages, presenting a monumental collection of Troy artifacts sourced from various museums in Germany and other nations. Printed on high-quality glazed paper and measuring 30 cm. x 24 cm., the book serves as a testament to the exhibition’s significance. Its back cover echoes a poignant plea: “These works wait to be exhibited in a modern Troy museum in Turkey.” While a call tinged with tragedy, it underscores the reality of a shared heritage Read More about Distinctive Symbols on Ottoman Tombstones. The hope lingers for the creation of a museum in Troy where these artifacts, currently held by antiquity merchants, can return to their rightful home.

A Harrowing Reality

The exhibition brings to light the distressing extent of Troy’s pillaging. Participating countries in

Suleymaniye Mosque