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Money and Interest – Government Bonds Less Interest

When it comes to government bonds, on the other hand, the returns are less interesting. Mathias Bauer, head of Raiffeisen Capital Management: “Government bonds have long been classified as a safe haven for investment, but corporate papers are now preferable on risk grounds.” This is why Austria’s money experts in general are advising investors to alter their strategies.

Franz Witt-Dorring, Head of UBS Austria: “Investors should not commit to any government bonds with a term longer than seven years, since such papers could come under pressure in the next 12 to 24 months.” Erste Bank expert Hollinger went on: “Investors should be reducing the average remaining term of their fixed-interest bonds held in security deposits. They should also consider shifting their fixed-interest securities into floaters.”

Private Banking Manager Ohswald: “Share funds which actively hedge the interest rate risk offer good opportunities. Investors should avoid funds which only display one index, however.”

Money and Interest – This is why Ohswald is currently recommending that his well-heeled private banking clients invest in such items as the broadly-spread R2 Eurobond All Fonds, or the corporate share fund Euro Corporate Fonds. Vontobel Head Landesmann also finds corporate bonds a good way for aspiring investors to mix their money: “Thanks to the superior returns they offer compared to secure government bonds and the lively economic situation in the industrial sector, corporate securities are attractive.”

Creditworthiness also plays an important role, however, thanks to the returns that can be achieved. Bank Austria Private Banking Manager Danzmayr comments: “Those investing in corporate securities for the first time would be well-advised to go for securities of companies with a lower level of creditworthiness, since first-class credit ratings are already yielding lower returns than the government bonds of core Eurozone countries.”

Erste Bank expert Hollinger also finds reasons to opt for securities with worse classifications: “”Shares with ratings below the investment grade field show high liquidity. In addition to this, the low interest environment in the developed economies, better corporate data and falling rates of bankruptcy offer benefits.”

Money and Interest

Government Bonds Less InterestWhen it comes to government bonds, on the other hand, the returns are less interesting. Mathias Bauer, head of Raiffeisen Capital Management: “Government bonds have long been classified as a safe...
