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The Prodigal Son 2

Music and danceNow his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants, and asked...

The Jewish Mother 1

Biblical LiteratureIt is not surprising that the stories scattered so profusely through the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Talmud, should be mostly moral tales. They were told in order to illustrate a theological or...

The History of Susanna 1

The History of Susanna (From The Apocrypha)Susanna was originally a part of the Book of Daniel, but was set apart as apocryphal, because it “was not in Hebrew.” It is none the less a...

The Dream 1

Apuleius (Born ca. 125 A.D.)Lucius Apuleius, author of The Golden Ass, was born and educated in northern Africa. He practised law, was an indefatigable traveller, a ceaseless investigator into religious ceremonies and mysteries, and...

The Ass in the Lion`s Skin 2

Nothing whatsoever is known of the author or authors of the particular collection from which this story is taken. It is reprinted from Buddhist Birth Stories , by T. W. Rhys Davids, London,1880, by...

Orpheus and Eurydice 2

Bloodless spiritsAs he spoke and touched the strings of his lyre, the bloodless spirits wept. Tantalus no longer caught at the retreating water; the wheel of Ixion stood still in amazement; the birds ceased...

The Robbers of Egypt 2

The text below has been copied from tourhints.info; For the rest of the story you can visit link The Robbers of Egypt.Goddess kissBut she, hastily running to the young man, embraced him, wept for...

Phineus And The Harpies 1

Apollonius of Rhodes (3rd Century B.c.)Although he was a late writer in the epic form, Apollonius treated ancient mythical material, but from the standpoint of a scholar and a literary stylist. He left his...

Eumieus` Tale 1

The story below has been copied from www.doholiday.com. You can read the rest of the story on  Eumieus Tale.Ancient GreeceThere is no land without its story-tellers, and in the dawn of Hellenic civilization we...

Zheravna Festival

Private tours Bulgaria. Bulgaria is no different from any other country in the world. It has its own history, heroes, legends. It surely had its falls and pinnacle. Bulgaria is inviting you on private...

Shining the Gems


Fish and Istanbul