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The Divided Horsecloth part 7

“Ah, fair, sweet son, what is this thou sayest to me! For the love of God turn me not from thy door. I lie so close that thou canst not want my room. I...

The Divided Horsecloth part 6

Thus before the witnesses he divested himself utterly of all his wealth, and became naked as a peeled wand in the eyes of the world, for this merchant now had neither purse nor penny,...

The Divided Horsecloth part 5

The eldest of these brothers had a daughter, but the mother of the maid was dead. Now this damsel owned in Paris a certain fair house, over against the mansion of the wealthy merchant....

The Divided Horsecloth part 4

For very greatly are those loved and esteemed by their fellows who are courteous in speech` and address. He who has fair words in his mouth receives again sweet words in his ear, and...

The Divided Horsecloth part 2

With the opening of the Seventeenth Century the short story was overshadowed by the drama and the long-winded sentimental ro¬mance, although such writers as D`Alcripd, Tallement des Reaux, Camus, and Sorel assiduously applied themselves...

The Divided Horsecloth part 1

FranceThere are probably more short stories, as there is assuredly a longer and more continuous development of the form, in the French than in any other literature of the world. In the earliest efforts...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 4

Upon this the men of physic again consulted, and at length came to the resolution of pocketing their fees, “secundum artem.” Being all of one mind, we now begged to be ushered into the...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 3

“You cannot be serious,” said the first speaker. “By St. Comus, I know something of ulcers; and here, I maintain it, we have a gangrene.” “No, no, friend,” replied the second, “we have no...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 2

He was obeyed; and, oh, charity! how didst thou shame those lordly prelates who think Heaven in debt to them, if they do but look down on some poor wretch: while my good cardinal,...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 1

Mateo Aleman (1547 – 1614)Little is known of Aleman, though it is stated that he was a native of Seville and was employed in the government service. He lived for a time in Mexico...

Galata Tower


Fish and Istanbul