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Alexius Part 18

But after all it was not Basilacius himself, but a very brave man of his suite who was not a tittle inferior in courage...

Alexius Part 17

But as the man he expected to find was nowhere to be seen, and no soldier or officer turned up anywhere, only a few...

Alexius Part 16

What happens in every large river is this; when a considerable embankment has been raised by the deposit they bring down, then they flow...

Alexius Part 15

He also brought an order from the Emperor to my father to proceed against Basilacius, who in his turn had now assumed the diadem,...

Alexius Part 14

But Bryennius, in fear of his life resembled a maniac, and was by no means in need of rest, for how should a man...

Alexius Part 13

Hereupon, as the army of Bryennius could no longer put up any resistance (for by now all, both men and horses, were sorely wounded),...

Alexius Part 12

For like a trumpet-blast the rumour had resounded throughout the army that the Franks had joined them and deserted their Commander-in-Chief, Alexius. The officers...

Alexius Part 11

On seeing this he covered his face with his vizor which depended from the rim of his helmet, and rushing with violence against these...

Alexius Part 10

Then, my father, hurling himself into the midst of the foe, by his valiant struggles did indeed discomfit just that part in which he...

Alexius Part 9

All the Thessalians were on horseback , and what with their iron cuirasses and helmets on their heads gleaming brightly, the horses pricking up...

Alexius Part 1


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