Alexius Part 28
In various ingenious ways also Robert caught the ear of the public; one day he would commiserate himself on the sad fate of his...
Alexius Part 27
The story runs thus, the arch-villain Robert who was hatching war against the Romans, and had been making his preparations for some time, was...
Alexius Part 26
That man Robert, who from a most inconspicuous beginning had grown most conspicuous, and amassed great power, now desired eagerly to become Roman Emperor,...
Alexius Part 25
XII Having thus become master of all Mascabeles’ possessions, he after that grew daily in power, and becoming ever more despotic, piled cities upon...
Alexius Part 24
Hereupon, Mascabeles’ men, seeing that the leaders had dismounted, and apparently started an argument afresh, dismounted too; or rather some did, and tied their...
Alexius Part 23
Since the aforesaid Gulielmus Mascabeles far surpassed him in wealth and influence, Robert renounced all idea of meeting him openly in battle, and concocted...
Alexius Part 22
So from tip to toe this man was well-proportioned, as I have repeatedly heard many say. Now, Homer says of Achilles that when he...
Alexius Part 21
The Roman Empire really brought this formidable foe upon herself by affording a pretext for all the wars he waged against us in proposing...
Alexius Part 20
Basilacius, however, was inflexible, but the Thessalonians, through fear of their city being taken and destroyed, granted Comnenus ingress. But Basilacius, when he saw...
Alexius Part 19
Such then were the deeds of the Domestic and a few followers during that night. As soon as dawn smiled upon the earth, and...