Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 30
For the three stood there sharpening each other’s wits, as if they were boar’s teeth, intent upon rending the Emperor’s arguments. And if any objection escaped Cusinus, Culeon would take it up; and il...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 29
Consequently many of the Manichaeans on that occasion went to the priests without any hesitation, confessed their sins and received divine baptism. But many too could be seen who with a tenacity exceeding that...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 28
For, as all the inhabitants of Philippopolis were Manichaeans except a few, they tyrannized over the Christians there and plundered their goods, caring little or naught for the envoys sent by the Emperor. They...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 27
I rather wished to treat lightly of the doctrine of the Manicha~ans and to explain it very concisely, and even attempt a refutation of their most godless doctrines. But I will omit these as...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 26
VIII Not a year had passed before the Emperor heard a rumour that the Comans had crossed the Ister; consequently at the commencement of the eighth Indiction in the month of November in the...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 25
He, as I have said, recounted all that had happened, and the devices the Emperor employed against the Ishmaelites; and the inhabitants of Constantinople with one voice and mouth shouted their applause, hymned the...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 24
Part of my history, as I said, I derive from my own memory and part from the men who accompanied the Emperor on his expeditions and told me divers things about them, and who...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 23
But verily that is not so; I swear by the dangers the Emperor underwent for the welfare of the Roman Empire, and the struggles and disasters my father suffered on behalf of the Christians,...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 22
VII After this had been done, Constantinople was full of the news of the Emperor’s successes. For in very truth, to what an extent had fate involved him in difficult affairs which were adverse...
Turks Franks Cumans and Manichaeans part 21
For, whenever he had been victorious in war, it was his wont to enquire whether any of his soldiers had been captured or fallen a victim to the enemy’s hands, and even though he...