Bulgaria insists that she has done her part in the agreement with Turkey, but she is unhappy with how Turkey is carrying out its part. General Petroff says that the promised reforms have not happened yet. Therefore, Bulgaria’s only option is to keep a proper attitude and fulfill her obligations in the agreement. This way, she can make sure Turkey has no excuse for blaming Bulgaria for the failure to carry out the reforms Tensions Between Turkey and Bulgaria.
Sarafoff’s Deception
The Turkish authorities have claimed that Sarafoff, a leader of the Bulgarian insurgents, smuggled large numbers of fezzes (a type of hat) into European Turkey, along with costumes that looked like Turkish uniforms. The goal was to make it appear as though the crimes committed by the Bulgarian rebels were actually done by Turkish soldiers. This was also intended to confuse the Turkish troops who were chasing the rebels.
Discontent in the Balkans
This situation shows that while tensions in the Balkans are often hidden by diplomacy, the anger and frustration could erupt again at any moment.
Travelling Through Dangerous Territory
The main street of Monastir was dark, just before dawn. But I could hear the sound of horses’ hooves, soldiers talking, and the clink of their equipment. When I opened the shutters in my room at the Greek inn, I realized the place felt like it was under siege. I saw soldiers on horseback, with their fezzes (red hats), talking and smoking cigarettes. This was the escort sent by the governor of Monastir because I was about to travel through dangerous areas in Albania. Some other travelers were also going to Ochrida, a town a day’s journey away, so we decided to travel together with the soldiers Customized Tour Istanbul.
The Journey Begins
After a simple breakfast in the dim light of a candle, we set off at the first light of day. Our departure was noisy, and we must have woken up half of Monastir with the sounds of horses’ hooves, soldiers’ gear rattling, and commands being shouted.