Bulgarian civilization values


If the goal of a group of people, united in a nation and organized in a state, is to be historically active in order to be creative, that group can create a culture. Culture, as behavior, is the actual task of a nation under any circumstances of its existence. It incorporates a divine spark when it teaches love of man.

The values of the Bulgarian civilization, which create the Bulgarian state of the spirit, are rooted firstly in the tradition of mutual coexistence. It was boom and established as early as the original fatherland in Central Asia. It is the source of the urban way of living, not in centers of the ancient Greek type (poleis, which were always victims of separatism), but in centralized, united dynastic countries. Slavery and slave trade did not exist in the urbanized fortified settlements of the Bulgarians.

Man was granted the status of a free citizen, soldier and owner; the rights of women were guaranteed, which is a mark of democracy in society. Archaeological evidences and written sources, referring to Antiquity and the whole medieval period, to the Ottoman rule, to Bulgarian Revival and the Modem Time, prove explicitly that in the towns and villages in any Bulgarian territory there were people of different origin and social status, who lived, worked and worshipped God as free men.

Bulgarian civilization denounced

The fact that Bulgarian civilization denounced and never employed slavery in the early period of its development explains the lack of glorious monuments of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Roman type and reveals the national psychology of the

Bulgarians. They are known as freedom- loving, adamant, stable people who defend their community and state. In battle, they fight for their freedom as free men.

From their Eurasian homeland, the Bulgarians brought a solid tradition of spirituality, which harmonizes the divine and the human. This cult of the equilibrium in the Universe and in society materializes in the ritual complex in the rocks near the village of Madera, Shumen Region. Madera Horseman is still an unsolved symbol of Bulgarian statehood.

The hypotheses regarding the connection of this monument to the institutions and statehood, to religion and the cult of the horseman, to the calendar and time or, indeed, to all of these, attest its semantic richness. According to latest research, the rock image of Madera Relief can be defined as a horoscope with parallels in Egypt, Syria and other ancient states. A precisely timed monument and event are encoded in the relief composition, which are of grandiose importance to Bulgarian statehood.

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