Discovering Bogazkale


Hattusa Echoes of Ancient Powers

Hittite Dominion Egypt, Babel, Mitanni, and Hittite Supremacy

In the antique East, the great powers of Egypt, Babel, Mitanni, and the Hittites stood as dominant forces. Until the 1200s BC, the Hittites held sway over vast territories, extending from Anatolia to Northern Syria. The remnants of this influential civilization endure in Hattusa, the capital city, nestled in the Bogazkale district, 80 km southwest of Corum. The ongoing excavation efforts, led by the “German Archaeology Institute,” continue to unravel the mysteries of this historic site Read More about Harran School of Thought.

Yazilikaya Temple Treasures Among the Rocks

Recognized in UNESCO’s “World’s Culture Heritage List,” Hattusa in Bogazkale stands out, with special attention directed to its capital city. The Yazilikaya Temple, a remarkable site concealed among towering rocks, captures attention as the largest and most impressive spot in Hattusa. Adorned with relief figures of gods and goddesses, this temple held significance, particularly during “new year celebrations.”

Incesu Canyon Nature’s Adventure Playground

Situated in the Ortakoy District’s Incesu village, Incesu Canyon boasts a single entrance and exit. The canyon provides an ideal setting for rafting and trekking enthusiasts. With a length of 12.5 km and a width ranging from 40 to 60 meters, the canyon offers thrilling rafting experiences when water flow is robust. Additionally, there’s a trekking route showcasing the natural beauty that captivates visitors.

Corum Clock Tower A Timeless Landmark

Commissioned in 1894 by Yedi Sekiz Hasan Pasha Istanbul Daily Tours, the Custodian of Besiktas, the minaret-shaped Clock Tower stands as one of Corum’s most significant landmarks. This architectural marvel adds a timeless charm to the town, symbolizing its historical legacy.


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